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Zscaler Named "Cool Vendor in Security" By Gartner

San Jose, California, maggio, 15, 2013

Zscaler, the industry's leading Security Cloud for the everywhere enterprise, today announced it has been included in the list of "Cool Vendors" in the "Cool Vendors in Security: Security Services 2013." Zscaler has developed and deployed the industry's only global Security Cloud that leverages the benefits of a distributed cloud infrastructure, to protect, manage and analyze the advanced threat environment for any user and any application on any device, anywhere.

The authors of "Cool Vendors in Security: Security Services 2013" report, "Gartner has identified a new crop of security services that leverage innovations in cloud systems." In the 2013 report, the enforcement, reporting and management capabilities of Zscaler were analyzed, including its ability to authenticate and secure end-users without the need for on-premise hardware or software. The "Cool Vendor" recognition follows the "Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateways (SWG)," where Zscaler was positioned in the Leader Quadrant.

"Zscaler was founded on the vision of securely enabling organizations to increase productivity via emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and mobility; a vision that we believe has been validated by our inclusion in the Cool Vender report by Gartner," said Jay Chaudhry, founder and CEO, Zscaler. "Zscaler will continue to lead innovation in the industry, as we extend both the reach and capabilities of our Security Cloud to drive our position in the market."     

Informazioni su Zscaler

Zscaler (NASDAQ: ZS) accelera la trasformazione digitale in modo che i clienti possano essere più agili, efficienti, resilienti e sicuri. Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ protegge migliaia di clienti dagli attacchi informatici e dalla perdita dei dati collegando in modo sicuro utenti, dispositivi e applicazioni in qualsiasi luogo. Distribuita in oltre 150 data center a livello globale, Zero Trust Exchange™, basata sul modello SSE, è la più grande piattaforma di cloud security del mondo.

Contatti Media

Karin Gall, EMEA Public Relations, [email protected]