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Facebook Likejacking, Phishing And Spam

marzo 14, 2011 - 1 Minuti di lettura

Last Thursday, I wrote about Facebook Likejacking. Today, similar pages were brought to my attention. They use Likejacking to spread through user profiles using much more aggressive spam techniques.

The pages looks like they come from Facebook. The teaser is a video that should be watched "only if you are 16 or older". The play button hides a Facebook Like widget.

Spam page looking like Facebook

Before the user can play the video, he must either verify that he is at least 18, or that he is a human ... by filling out surveys, trying games, etc.! The spammers are paid for each action taken by the user (PTC campaign).

"Security check": the user must fill out a survey

If you stay on these pages long enough, they will attempt to send a form on your behalf. Fortunately, Firefox throws a warning.

Firefox prevent the automatic POST shows a Facebook page and a Youtube page with the same content.

Fake Youtube page from spammers

These spam pages can be found at:
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://

-- Julien
form submtited
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